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Singapore Registered Company - UEN 53434637E. Discover the ultimate in luxury with our online collection of authentic, pre-loved designer brands. Our hand-picked selection features only the finest pieces of curated luxe, sourced from both Japan and local consignment. Every piece of luxe we acquire from Japan undergoes a meticulous inspection process by our appointed partner's expert authenticators. With years of experience and a keen eye for detail, you can trust that every item has been thoroughly examined to ensure its authenticity. For consignment luxe valued at SGD600 and above and/or those without an original authentication card, we provide a third-party authentication certificate. This guarantees that you can enjoy peace of mind, knowing that any luxe you purchase from us is 100% authentic. At Leiame Luxe, we take pride in offering the highest-quality curated luxe at affordable prices. Your satisfaction is our top priority, and we're thrilled to be able to share our passion for luxury with you. Treat yourself today and experience the true meaning of indulgence.
Our Japan partner is a member of the International Anti-Counterfeiting Coalition (IACC) and pioneering provider of patented anti-counterfeiting solutions for luxury brand goods
Our journey began with purchasing luxury luxe for ourselves, as investments and for emotional comfort. We have carefully curated a selection of high-end products that we would personally buy, ensuring that they are of the utmost quality and value. Our passion for luxury has driven us to make pre-loved classics accessible and affordable for everyone. We firmly believe that luxury should be attainable and accessible to all, and we are committed to making this a reality.
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